Monday, August 4, 2008

S.'s Birthday!

Well, today is S.'s 8th birthday. I cannot believe that is has been that long. I feel so old.

We are having cake and ice cream later tonight. That means I have to get busy and make her a cake. I was thinking a princess castle, but we will see what I come up with. I just want it to look nice. I will post pictures later.

We got her a MP3 player for her birthday. We actually let her pick out her present and let me tell you, I don't think I will be doing that again anytime soon. First it was a babydoll (which she already has plenty off), then I brought her to the electronics so she could look at Wii games. She decided that she wanted a digital camera. Then it was the baby doll again. Then I found a MP3 player and that was it. So, she got that. I told her that she couldn't use it until her birthday-what an evil mother I am, lol! Anyway, that gave me time to download some music onto it for her. What fun would it have been without anything to listen too?

Anyway, have to get busy on the cake. Will post again later!
Well, I finished S.'s cake. It wasn't my best, but I think that it came out ok. I started out with just the cake with the towers, but went back and added the paper flags. Savannah added the princess. We just had a few friends and family over, but it was a fun time. Let me know what you think if you would like.

1 comment:

Stephanie Cunningham said...

The cake looked good, Liz! Birthday cakes are (at least for me) always an adventure. Hey never turn out quite how you intended it to. I'm sure S just loved it! I can't believe she is so big either!