Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, a camping we will go!!!

I can't wait for this weekend to come. We are going up to my sister's back 40 to camp. This will be the 1st time this summer. I like to camp, but we don't do it that often. I have the whole weekend off and then some. I have off Friday-Monday off so no need to rush home. Yeah! I have to start getting everything ready. I think that we have everything we need, so no worries there. Just have to get it organized. We are planning on leaving Friday after Chad gets home from work. It is going to be a great weekend!

School starts on Tuesday. It will be Connor's first day of Kindergarten. His birthday is on Wednesday, which he has off. We are going to have cake while camping so that will be nice. Hopefully all goes well with this. Savannah starts 3rd grade, which she is excited about. Tonight is open house, but I have to work. This kids are going with a friend, so at least they get to meet there teachers. I just have to make sure that they have all of their stuff together. Savannah got a post card from her teacher today, so she is extra excited.

Well, that's all for now~~later

Friday, August 22, 2008

BSM is over

Well, my class ended yesterday. I did graduate and also gained 2 credits. I think that it was a really good experience. I learned a lot also, so now I have to make it work for me in the workplace. I know that one area that I am going to work on is in coaching...I know that I pass up some areas that procedures aren't being followed, but I am going to work on this. I have to meet with my store manager on Monday to do a follow up with er. There are a lot of areas, as a store, that I think we can improve on. We will see if I can get them to implement them or not. Oh well.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Basic Shift Management

Well, today was the 2nd day of BSM. I think that it is going really good. We have gone over quite a few different subject, some of which I think will be useful in the future. Some of the stuff I know I won't be using b/c it isn't something that we do in my store. I have met some really neat people and some really bossy people. Tomorrow we are going to be split into 3 groups so that we can all visit different stores. I am really excited about this b/c our store is such a little store compared to alot of the others. Tomorrow is also Graduation. We get diplomas and everything. There will be prizes for highest team score and for one person who shows great leadership. We will see who gets the last one. Will let you know how it goes later.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BSM prep class

Well, today I went in for Basic Shift Management Prep class. It was like 2 hours long and we went over some of what we will be doing in BSM next week. We had already taken the test 1 other time, so it was all review. I have to say that I did do better this time around. I only had 7 wrong instead of 23. We all were given an allowance for eating and I will be getting $ b/c I am the one driving. Now all I have to do is clean the car really good.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blah, blah blah

Well, I worked the close shift again. It usually isn't bad, so I don't mind doing it occasionally. I have been working alot of different shifts. Tomorrow I work 1-7.

Our crew picnic is tomorrow at Bay Beach. It is from 12-6:30 so I am working the whole thing. All managers are supposed to attend to show spirit, but there is no way that I can make it. I tried to switch shifts or at least part of my shift, but the only way to do that is if I want to work a 12 hour shift on Friday. Which I don't. At all.

I just found out that we are probably getting the McRib back soon. That should be fun, not! It is so messy with the bbq sauce. Don't get me wrong, they are sooo delicious, but that sauce is so hard to get off of stuff. We will see though because it hasn't been specified yet.

School is less then 1 month away, so we are getting ready for that. I have to decide what to do about getting the kids home if I am working. I really need to call the bus depot to see if the can ride a shuttle bus to the middle school where the neighbor girl goes. Hopefully it will all work out.

Well, ta for now.....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Favre is gone :( but work was good!

Well, it is official...Farve is no longer with the Packers. He is now a Jet. Hopefully it will be a good fit for him. It is sad to see him go, but I totally understand why he did. Who wouldn't after how he was treated. I mean, honestly, with the reception he was greeted with, why would he be 100% with sticking with the Packers when they were never 100% with him. Oh well. C'est la vie!

Work went well today. Not much stress. I think we did a really good job getting cars through. We had 58 cars, our target was 69. That was from 12-1. Times stayed down in all areas, so that was good too! I don't think that there were any issues...oh yeah, to Drive Thru drink station wasn't giving out the correct drinks. I think that we must have reset that thing like 2 times. That held us up a little, but it eventually started working right.

Until next time....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back to the ol' grind

Well, I have had the last 2 days off and I return to work tonight. I have the 4-cl shift. I hope everything goes smooth. Mary will be there until 7, otherwise there will be no other manager. At least I have 3 closers and a late person tonight. It is Steven's 1st night by himself closing grill, so hopefully everything goes well. I think that I will make a treat for work tonight. Everybody loves it and I like showing my appreciation to them as it seem like we do so little for them otherwise.

I think that I will make my Double Delights tonight. They are super simple and a huge hit. Here is the recipe.

4T of butter
6C of Cocoa Pebbles (or Krispies)
1Bag of lg Marshmallows
1/2C Choco Chips
1tsp of Vanilla

Melt butter in pot.
Add marshmallow-stir occasionally until completely melted.
Take off of heat.
Add choco chips and vanilla.
Stir in Cocoa Pebbles.
Pour into cake pan. Different sized pans make different thickness in treats.
Allow to cool, cut and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this as much as my workers seem too!

Until next post....

Monday, August 4, 2008

S.'s Birthday!

Well, today is S.'s 8th birthday. I cannot believe that is has been that long. I feel so old.

We are having cake and ice cream later tonight. That means I have to get busy and make her a cake. I was thinking a princess castle, but we will see what I come up with. I just want it to look nice. I will post pictures later.

We got her a MP3 player for her birthday. We actually let her pick out her present and let me tell you, I don't think I will be doing that again anytime soon. First it was a babydoll (which she already has plenty off), then I brought her to the electronics so she could look at Wii games. She decided that she wanted a digital camera. Then it was the baby doll again. Then I found a MP3 player and that was it. So, she got that. I told her that she couldn't use it until her birthday-what an evil mother I am, lol! Anyway, that gave me time to download some music onto it for her. What fun would it have been without anything to listen too?

Anyway, have to get busy on the cake. Will post again later!
Well, I finished S.'s cake. It wasn't my best, but I think that it came out ok. I started out with just the cake with the towers, but went back and added the paper flags. Savannah added the princess. We just had a few friends and family over, but it was a fun time. Let me know what you think if you would like.