Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well, Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I have alot of stuff to take care of. I am hosting dinner for Chad's family this year, so there is cleaning and cooking to do. I think that there will only be about 20 of us, so not to bad.
Chad always makes the turkey so I only have to worry about the stuffing, potatoes, pies, buns and other assortments of things. It helps that his family is each bringing a dish to pass.
Anyway, that's it for now.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Increase family!

Well it is now official. My niece and her 3 kids have now moved in with us. There are now 8 of us living here. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted her, not that I didn't either. Family is family and you help family out. One good thing though is that we can swap sitting so that is going to save us at least $200 a month.
Not much else right now,


Monday, August 31, 2009

Well, today is the last day of summer vacation. Boy did it go by fast. The kids are excited about going back. All the supplies are bought, backpacks are packed and clothes chosen for tomorrow. They haven't enjoyed the going to be earlier, but I am sure that they are going to enjoy getting up early even less.

Things have been going better at work. From what I understand one of the managers is giving her notice, so that means more closes for me. Not that it makes much of a difference because that is what I mostly do anyway. I would like to change my schedule, but Chad isn't thrilled because what if the babysitter forgets the kids at school. Then I would have to leave work. I say whatever, maybe we need a better babysitter.

Anyway, I will have more later after the kids start school.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Flowers in my yard

Well, we have been in the new house for about 2 1/2 months now. We have painted the kids rooms and both bathrooms, but there is more to be done. I know, I know...we have a long time to get it the way that we want. There is something about white walls that make me want to paint.

Anyway, when we bought the house I didn't realize how many beautiful flowers there were going to be. I don't know most of the names, but I do know that they are wonderful to have. Here are a few pictures of them...if you know the names, please let me know!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Going a visitin'

Last Wednesday I went and visited my good friend Karla, who I haven't seen in ages. The kids and I had a great time. We went to lunch at Pizza Hut (kids eat free for lunch) and then went to the beach.

Karla just happens to be good friends with my cousins wife, Shell. So we invited her to stop by the beach with her kids. My kids got a kick out of it that they had cousins that they knew nothing about! They all played quite well together, being the same age. Great times. Makes me think that I should go a visiting more often!

We ended up staying over for dinner too! BBQ chicken for the moms and hot dogs for the kids! Lots of moans because it seems that all the kids enjoy BBQ chicken! Beans, chips, cherry fluff and olives finished out the meal. Made me wish that my day off could last forever and that I didn't have to drive an hour home.

Connor digging in the sand

Connor and his new bud Kaden.

All the kids getting in cold, cold Lake Michigan!

Savannah and Lilyanna playing in the waves!

Savannah digging in the dirt.

Savannah taking Lily for a ride.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our new house

Master Bedroom



2nd garage

Savannah's room

Connor's room


Front view of our house.

Well it has been awhile since i posted. Alot has happened since then. School is out, summer is here and we are settled into our new home. We have bought our first home. It is really neat being able to do what we want such as paint color and the like. So far we have painted both the kids rooms and the big bathroom. I have the paint for the family room and small bathroom, just have to get them painted. We plan on being here for quite some time, so there is lots of time for us to do stuff, but I am excited and want it done now!

One nice thing is that there are all sorts of flowers already planted. Lots of them are blooming so it is very pretty here. It is really nice because we have about 1/2 acre lot. It is right in town, so close to everything. It is a great house!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Accepted Offer!

I know that it has been a long time (almost 6 months), but I have good news! We are finally buying a house. We have been looking on and off for the last 2 years and FINALLY everything seems to be working. We put an offer in on March 21st and we heard back the next day. Our offer has been excepted. We have already had it inspected and are waiting to hear back from our realtor on whether the owner is going to check on 2 things. There is a wet spot in the basement (getting that checked out) and having the furnace checked out (there was no sticker saying when it was last done).

Our (soon to be) new home is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch right here in Pulaski. It has a large yard (almost 1/2 acre). It is actually closer to work for both Chad and I, which is a plus. It has a large family room and a gigantic basement. I am so looking forward to moving in there.

We are currently packing here, which I know will be a big process as we have lived here almost 4 years and have accumulated lots of junk. We are getting rid of a lot of stuff so hopefully moving will be a little less stressful.

Anyway, I have to go...there is a carpet calling my name! Here are some pictures of our new house!

Our new house!
Our second garage.
