Friday, October 18, 2013

Busy, Busy Weeks Ahead

So this week & next are going to be very busy weeks here.  This week was Savannah's appointment down by Chicago, IL with the Shriner's.  Just her annual, but lots of stuff that is going to be happening in the future.  We will have to bring her back down next summer so that they can do a 3D scan of her head so that they can see how she is developing.  After that we will need to have her get started on braces, which of course will be cheap and fun!  NOT!  I know that it is for the good, but man, I am not looking forward to that.   After she has her braces on then in the near future to that we can look forward to at least 1 more surgery.
Also this two weeks I am helping my sister Sandi prep for a upcoming craft fair & stamp camp.  I am really excited for these things.  Who wouldn't be?  This means that most of our spare time will be tied up into making paper/stamp crafts.  Yesterday, I made almost 50 gift tags!  They are very cute if I do say so myself.
I may even post a few pics of them later.
We are also going through a lot of medical issues with my husbands family.  Father in law has been recuperating from hernia surgery for the past 3 months in a nursing home.  It seems like every time they say that he is improving, something else comes up.  Two days ago he was given a tentative release date of 11/5, but now he has had a setback, so who knows.  Oldest brother in law is also experiencing medical issues.  Can't really go into that though.  Then found out yesterday that my sister in law has to go in for surgery also as they found to large tumors in her uterus.  It just seems like it is raining bad news, but I will put it all in God's hands & know that whatever happens is his will.
On to more exciting sister just got a job by me!  I am so excited to have her start.  We are treated very well where I work, great wage, benefits, & appreciation.  Not to say that there are not some negatives, but hey, it's work, not vacation, right!

Well, have to get ready for some shopping, so thanks for stopping by.  Please feel free to leave a comment!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Long time no Blog

So officially it has been 11 months since my last blog.  So sorry about that.  I could blame it on a busy busy life, but I am not going to do that.  Although, I do have to say that a lot has happened in that time.
I am now a parent to a teenager!  Yeesh, where does the time go?  It is hard to believe but she is in her last year of middle school too!
We have also added to our family.  We have gotten another dog, although he is still in his puppy year.  He is now 7 months old.  His name is Duke and he is a Border Collie/Lab mix, although if you ask me he looks like a hound dog.
Duke keeping me company.
Duke and Nelly taking a nap after playing hard!
He is growing bigger by the day, but he is such a mellow man.  He and Nelly like to play, so that is great also.  The only time it of course is not is when I am trying to sleep at 5 am.  We currently co-kennel them at night, but during the day, they each have their own space.  That is one thing that I worried about when we got Duke was that they wouldn't like each other, but no worries there.  They are great pals.

New washer and Dryer
New vanit 
What else has been going on in the past year?  Well, we had our first (and hopefully only) home claim.  We had one of our toilets overflow for 6 hours while we were gone one day.  Thank the Lord that it was clean water because I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if it was gray water.  The bathroom was a total loss.  We even needed to tear out the hall floor.  We have a continuous flooring from the hall to the kitchen/livingroom area, so guess what also needed to be replace?  You guessed it!  The flooring!  We ended up needing to redo the whole bathroom.  Bright side to it though was that we got a new washer/dryer set.  I let Chad pick it though since he predominately does the laundry.  My only specification was that there be a steam/wrinkle release option on the dryer.
Hall with flooring torn out
Bathroom after flooring was torn out

 Most of the damage was in the bathroom, but boy, you should have seen all the water in the basement!  We had so many industrial fans it was ridiculous! I want to say there were probably 7-8 going for a few days.  We were so happy to with how our insurance company handled it.  Very prompt it getting someone out here to handle it for us.  You hear these horror stories & never really know what to expect until it happens.  Not that I didn't have faith in the company, because if that was the case we wouldn't have been with them for over 12 years.

Anyway, other than that not much exciting happening in my life.  Just average day to day things like most of you probably experience too!  I think that I will get going, but I am going to try to make it a point to blog more often in the future.  Hope to see you soon!  Drop me a line if you would like, comments are appreciated!