Saturday, June 23, 2012

4 Down Many More To Go

So I have lost 4 lbs so far and only in 3 weeks! I think that is a good pace. I am doing little things like drinking more water, taking walks and subbing healthier options for meals. I am sure that if it were financially feasible I could make alot more changes in the diet department, but as it isn't I will take what steps I can.
I have found a new program to listen to on my walks. It is called Zombies! Run!. It intersperses your music with a story that you take part in. You are being chased by zombies while trying to bring supplies to a small town. I really recommend this, Savannah sure likes it.
I have gotten hooked on Pinterest. Anyone else try this site? Many, many, many different things to look at & pin to your board. There are so many things that I want to try, but boy I will have to make the time if I want to get it all done.
Summer school is underway for the kids. So far they are liking it. They have a total of 6 weeks, but it is broken up, so not as to have 6 straight weeks then nothing. Savannah started off with a babysitting class and boy are we glad that she is almost old enough to watch her brother. One less thing to have to worry about. No more daycare fees, hallelujah!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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