Monday, July 6, 2009

Our new house

Master Bedroom



2nd garage

Savannah's room

Connor's room


Front view of our house.

Well it has been awhile since i posted. Alot has happened since then. School is out, summer is here and we are settled into our new home. We have bought our first home. It is really neat being able to do what we want such as paint color and the like. So far we have painted both the kids rooms and the big bathroom. I have the paint for the family room and small bathroom, just have to get them painted. We plan on being here for quite some time, so there is lots of time for us to do stuff, but I am excited and want it done now!

One nice thing is that there are all sorts of flowers already planted. Lots of them are blooming so it is very pretty here. It is really nice because we have about 1/2 acre lot. It is right in town, so close to everything. It is a great house!