Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Long time no blog

Well, it has been close to 3 weeks since I had an entry. I guess life just kind of happened.

A few new things....

I have lost almost 14 lbs to day. I am so excited about that. I am finally getting to my goal, granted I have 85 lbs to go for my grand goal, but 14 lbs in a month is great. I know that I won't always lose like this, but I am happy how it is going.

My sisters barn burned down also. That happened about the time that I posted last. They are going to build a garage this time since they were only using it as a storage before. It was a old barn, and they have no livestock. I think that the garage will look nice, and it is going to be by the house, so it will be much closer for them. Here are some pics that I took....

Connor almost tore his thumb off.

I got a call at work on Monday evening from the babysitter. She was like, "Elizabeth, Connor cut his thumb really bad. It won't stop bleeding." So I rushed home and this is what I saw...

We took him to St. Mary's Emergency room. They flushed it out so they could get a good look at it. The tear went down to his tendon. Thankfully there doesn't appear to be any nerve damage.

He ended up getting 9 stitches in it. He was such a trooper, the only time he cried was when he had to get the numbing shot. Otherwise, he watched them stitch it up. The last two pictures are from this morning when I had to change his bandage. I know that he is going to have a wicked scar, but hopefully nothing to bad.